Find and Replace Fonts | After Effects Script 51326178

Find and Replace Fonts | After Effects Script 51326178

This script requires After Effects 2024 or newer to function.


Use Find and Replace Fonts to search for and edit your AE text layer’s fonts. Project wide, in a specific composition or just on multiple selected layers.

  • Step 1: Choose where to look for text layers. Project wide, current composition, current composition and its pre-comps or selected layers.
  • Step 2: Choose the font you wish to replace. You can also use the pick font feature to quickly grab the font from a selected layer.
  • Step 3: Choose the font you wish to replace it with.


Say goodbye to the tedious process of manually updating each text layer. With Find and Replace Fonts, you can streamline your workflow and ensure consistency throughout your projects with just a few clicks. Perfect for designers and animators looking to save time and maintain a cohesive look in their work.

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